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En 34 år gammal tjej från Västra Götaland, Lerum Kommun
869XPMedlem sedan 22/12 2004, kl 17:49 Senaste besök 16/01 2011, kl 17:42


Code of the Sith:
Peace is a lie,There is only passion
Through Passion, I gain Strengt
Through Strengt, I gain Power
Through Power, I gain victory
Through Victory, My chain are broken
The force shall free me

          Jedi Code:
There is no emotion: ther is peace.
there is no ignorance: there is knowledge.
there is no passion: there is serenity.
there is no caos: there is harmony.
there is no death: there is the Force

            THE JEDI CODE
Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.
Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.                             
                                        -from the jedi code

The tenets of the Sith are more than just words to be memorized. Learn them, understand them. They will lead you to the true power of the Force; the power of the dark side."

Love is more dangerous than all those things. Love leads to anger and hatred more often that not... but it also leads to mercy, which is far worse.

"Every jedi should spend time to meditating each day on the will of the force. The reason for this is simple: If one has unwittingly acted contrary to the will of the force, recognizing the mistake soon after may still give one time to make amends"      -Master Odan-Urr

The Bounty Hunter Code

A bounty hunter must always be ready to go anywhere
and face any danger.
No friends, no enemies. Only allies and adversaries.
Always be polite to a client.
A bounty hunter never complains.
A bounty hunter is free of attachments.
Life feeds on death.
Vary your routine. Patterns are traps.
Never call attention to yourself.
Say no more then necessary.
Always be polite. Especially to your enemies.
He who hires my hand hires my whole self.
Do that which you fear most, and you will find
the courage which you seek.
A bounty hunter never gets distracted by the big picture;
he knows it's the little things that count.
Never tell the whole truth in a trade.
A favor is an investment.
Money is power.
Watch out for things that go too well.
Welcome your fear as a friend, but never show it to others.
If you must die, do so with honor.
Remain calm at all costs.
A bounty hunter never loses track of what's important.
Knowing a secret is power. But only if it remains your secret.
Never seek out help.
Trust no one, but use everyone.
The live ones are worth more than the dead ones.
He who angers you owns you.

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Rockstar Social Club
Medlem sedan
22/12 2004, kl 17:49
Senast inloggad
16/01 2011, kl 17:42
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