Jag skulle skriva ett klubbrev, Jag tröck fel knapp då skickade jag ett skit meddelande, där det inte stog något T_T.
Allihopa, känn er välkommna, till fuska.nu's första och största Simpsons klubb!, Aja kanske inte första Oo;
Forums Regler!
1. Absolut inga kräkningar
2. Inget Snack om porr eller pirat kopiering
3. Inga tips om andra klubbar i forumet
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6. Inget skitsnack om någon
7. Digga Homer mest xD xP
8. Sen Bart - Har inget mer ó skriva
9. Spamma inte :P
En varning -=* / Här är listan på dom som har blivit varnade
Inga ännu : )
Yo! Hey what's happening dude?
I'm a guy with a rep for bein' rude.
Terrorizin' people wherever I go,
It's not intentional, just keepin' the flow.
Fixin' test scores to get the best scores,
Droppin' banana peels all over the floor,
I'm the kid that made delinquency an art,
Last name, Simpson; first name, Bart.
I'm here today to introduce the next phase,
The next step in the big Bart craze.
I got a dance, real easy to do,
I learned it with no rhythm and so can you!
So move your body, if you got the notion,
Front to back in a rock-like motion.
Now that you got it, if you think you can,
Do it to the music, that's the Bartman
Everybody if you can, do the Bartman!
Shake you body, turn it out, if you can, man!
Move you butt to the side, yes you can, can!
Everybody in the house, do the Bartman. 2ggr
It wasn't long ago, just a couple of weeks,
I got in trouble, yeah, pretty deep.
Homer was yellin', mom was, too,
Because I put mothballs in the beef stew.
Punishment time, in the air lurks gloom,
Sittin' by myself, confined to my room.
When all else fails, nothin' else left to do,
I turn on the music, so I can feel the groove!..